Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Good Colleges for Aspies

In the article, "More Students With Asperger Syndrome Going to College," ABC news presents a brief discussion of colleges that show promise for young adults with Aspergers. Although a bit sensationalist (for examples phrases like, "As scores of autistic young adults enter universities for the first time", and "deal with the first generation of Asperger's students to hit campuses in large numbers"), the article touches on the main problems Aspie college students have: They can be too trusting, too honest, too easily overwhelmed by a large campus, and then too anxious or stressed to properly ask for help.

Those schools, some of which have AS/ASD specific programs and others which assist students through their disabilities office, include:

For more information, you might also visit:

Higher Education and Autism Spectrum Disorders
University of Connecticut Disabilities Office


Jeff Deutsch said...

Hello Saved Aspie,

Thank you very much for posting that. No doubt many new high school seniors and juniors appreciate it.

People might also want to see my series on Western New England College's excellent peer mentoring program for Aspies.

Keep up the good work!

Jeff Deutsch

A better future for all said...

Saved Aspie

For the most part in college I kept to myself and taught myself.